Orders that must be shipped or delivered sooner than our normal number of business days will require special scheduling, weekend and evening hours. We can usually accommodate these orders with the two stipulations below. We must have your completed information list submitted to us before we can begin your order.
1.We require a $100 non-refundable pre-payment with your order. This pre-payment is applied to your total when approved at checkout. Your $100 pre-payment is not returned if you cancel or change your mind for any reason. The rest of our guarantee applies to all orders.
2. We cannot honor discounts.
Expedited orders are accepted and scheduled personally over the phone. Contact us at the number below for more information and to make your $100 pre-payment with Visa, MasterCard, or American express cards.
Shipping may need to be upgraded from UPS ground, which is included in the price.
For Expedited Service call Cully McLean M-F, EST 9-5 at 770-745-7225.